Monday, March 26, 2012

Why Should You Read, "Among the Fallen Stars?"

This is a story of two sisters, but in reality it is about light and darkness. It's about recovering from mistakes that hold us in a grip we cannot seem to break free from straining to hear the familiar voices of those who extend a hand of hope and love. In fact haven’t we all felt the sting of darkness? And, are we not all shackled by some kind of unseen and restrictive chain? Perhaps we’re trapped by regret and fear, or maybe even guilt. Then again, maybe we simply feel undeserving of the light that only the lucky seem to receive. All of these chains keep us from recognizing how precious we are.
As you read this book, you will note that our characters share the stage as first-person story tellers. Listening to each of them share their perspective in random and intentional succession, without the immediate gratification of knowing how it is affecting the others, makes the story feel more life-like. Among the Fallen Stars is experienced more profoundly in this manner, than if you were to hear a global storyteller chant in omniscience.

Now, I invite you to open these pages and enjoy. And, at it's conclusion, I hope you will find that you can shine brightly, too, no matter what is placed before you.

Enjoy being among the stars!


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